The Way I See It

Life is a circle.  We are here to make a difference.  A difference in what?  Our lives?  Society?  The economic endeavors of others?  What is it exactly that we are here to do?  Does it matter?  In the end, when you have completed YOUR circle and have become one with the earth, what is it that you leave behind?  A legacy?  The words and wisdom that you have instilled into others that you had taken on responsibility for?

No matter what our age, there comes responsibility.  As a child we have a responsibility to learn.  To take in what is going on around us and apply what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste into our lives accordingly.  As we grow, our we gain more responsibilities.  We become responsible for our messes and choices through our childhood and at some point, we become responsible for the life of another being.  And that responsibility is of the utmost importance.  As we ourselves take all the experiences and responsibilities  that we have ever had, and use them to teach another what we ourselves have already learned.

Nobody is without consequence for the decisions that they make.  Whether that consequence is a reward or a punishment, and sometimes the punishment is the reward!  For it is what you learn from that bad decision that matters.  And then there are the decisions that you have to chose to do more than once to get the message.  A slap up long side the head in some cases is what it takes to finally get the point.  A baby will get a reward for making a decision to cry out in hopes that someone will understand what the cries mean.  Whether food, a clean butt, or just for someone to pay him some attention.  He made the decision, and he got a reward.  At the same point, the baby may decide to try to climb the steps.  His consequence might be that he falls down the steps.  However, some babies are determined to climb those steps, so that consequence is only going to teach him to try it a different way until he finally makes it to the top, OR it could scare him from climbing steps altogether... for now.  At some point in his life, he will overcome that fear, and conquer those steps.

Nothing is permanent except death, and even in the eyes of some, that too is only temporary.  It is all in how you look at it and what you believe in.  And even though we want the rest of the world to believe as we do, and see things as we see them.  We are not responsible for the world, we are only responsible for ourselves and those that are directly connected to us, and again, even that is not permanent, as someday, those we are responsible for today, will be gone tomorrow with their own responsibilities.


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