Fast Food is Fast Food Right?

Fast food is just that... fast, especially in the morning.  I, myself, am a fast food junkie!  I love McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King and Wendy's.  It amazes me at just HOW different two of the same can be.  I am going to pick on McDonalds here, because I frequent them most.  WHY?  They have the most AMAZING breakfast sandwiches!  Say it with me.... McMUFFIN!

I commute to work daily, and travel some, so fast food and I are pretty good friends.  Just within my commute to work, there are a total of 6 McDonalds that I could hop in the drive thru and grab my grub and go.  AND, I have used them all, ONLY to discover that there is ONE out of the 6 that exceeds all the others.

I work in a small Pennsylvania burb called Carlisle.  They have 2 McDonalds that are quick stops on my way through, 1 is a bit more out of my way than the other, but totally worth it!  I have to say that I have never seen a more organized, accurate, food is good drive thru.  I have never ever gotten the wrong thing, nor have I ever gotten cold, half-cooked, "thrown-together-by-a-preschooler", sandwich.

So, I am taking the blog space to throw congrats out to an outstanding McD's in Carlisle, PA!  Way to go and you should really give seminars to those around you! :)


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