Speak Your Mind

Constructive criticism... something that helped mold me as a child. The "sticks and stones" theory that words will never hurt, is wrong, words DO hurt, but words also help. Knowing what other people think of you is not always important, but can play in the back of your mind. Those words can either help you change to be different, or change your opinion of the person who said them. Not everyone has a constructive word, some of their words just reflect their own personality flaws. Political correctness, and our "tip toe" syndrome is taking away the molding words and replacing them with more damaging affects. Saying NOTHING as opposed to what you really think is not always the best approach either, unless you have an ugly personality and really DO want to hurt someone's feelings. But, if you have "molding" words to say to someone, in an attempt to get them to see what YOU see, then those words should be said. Someone once told me I have a b...