Depression: Walk The Path With Me

It is so easy to hide it, but not so easy to hide FROM it. That friend who seems happy, whom everyone loves because they have a great sense of humor and an infectious smile. How could he/she have been so selfish? But, to someone who is trapped inside their own darkness, to them, it isn't selfish at all. They actually see pulling the trigger or swallowing that bottle of pills or tightening that noose as a justice. They see it as ridding the world of their burdened existence. And this my friend, is NOT decision that has just been made. In many cases, they have been wallowing over it, stewing over it, fighting the voices and struggling with the pain.... for YEARS! But... how did nobody not see? How could this person have NOT confided in those who may have been able to help? The answer is very simple.... nobody was looking. And in MANY cases, maybe you were looking, but you didn't want to pry, or you knew something was u...