Reflection... dreams vs reality

Today marks another year on this planet. Another year, 54 to be exact, that I get to live once again, moving forward into the unknown. I think we all walk towards the unknown. You can plan, you can map your journey to aspire anything, however, your destiny is your destiny. When I was a child, the ONLY thing I ever wanted to be was a veterinarian and have my own pack of dogs. I love dogs, there is nothing like them in the world. They are loyal and they always have your back. And even though they don't speak OUR language, you can certainly learn and understand theirs. However... my life did not take me down the path I so wanted to go. Partially my fault, I didn't apply myself, I didn't make the right choices when they mattered most. Instead of taking control of my own journey at the age where it mattered, I allowed people and THINGS to influence my decisions. I was an angry child, I was an angrier teenager...