The Fortress that Time Built

As I get older, I find that I spend more time reflecting on my life. I think back to fun times, hard times and the times that made me who I am. I realize that healing is a process. It's a hard process. However, I have also realized, that you don't heal from everything, you just learn how to live with it. There is a house that I drive by everyday. It is in my neighborhood. The song "The House That Built Me", that would be this house. It was never MY house, but the house of the woman who babysat me while my mother worked. For a mere 2 1/2 years, I endured her torment and physical abuse, and not only abuse from her, but from the other children that she babysat as well. Not all of them, just a few. But those few, and her, laid the foundation to my now, well maintained, fortress. All of the events that took place in those 2 1/2 years were never addressed. I kept them to myself. I never told my mother, for back then, you...