Expressing My Thoughts
Sometimes I look at life and ponder it's purpose, as does most people. Then I look around, and I see the surface of what seems to be other's portraying happiness, or content, whichever the case may be. But I question it. Are they really happy? Are their smiles facades to avoid prying? I do not fake smile, I do not shine light into my darkness. I do not mask my pain. I wear it, out in the open, for the world to see. I have been alone my entire life. Always around people, yet, ultimately alone. I like to do things my way, yet everyone seems to have an opinion on how my way isn't their way, yet, I didn't hear them volunteer to do it. I shun their ideas, as I did not ask for their opinions. These sorts of situations just thickens the wall (mental and emotional) that I have built throughout my lifetime. I treat people as I want to be treated, therefore, I do not offer my opinion into their lives, nor do I pry into ...