Reasons To Stay Single

I am asked time and time again, why I am single, And I have shot out answers just to brush off the question, because honestly, why I am or am not with anyone is nobody's business but my own. But ya know? I have thought about this answer. First off, I am single because I want to be. Now the question is... why do I want to be? Hmmm, that list of reasoning is so long, but I will try to shorten it. First of all, I have been in many relationships. Each one taught me something, and narrowed my tolerance of the things that people do. At my forty-something age, I am pretty sure that I didn't live this long by needing someone to look out for me. And it seems that a man's purpose in his life is to tell me how to live MY life. While some women thrive on this kind of guidance, I do not. I have worked very hard for my independence and I am not about to let some man strip it from me. A man seems to think that they are in the ma...